Monday, April 13, 2015

Bikini Series - The Beginning - Measurements & Goal Setting!

Gah! It's already the 2015 Bikini Series and I am definitely not in Bikini Shape!!!!!! 

This morning I completed the Set the Bar workout on BB2 DVD. What an eye opener! I know it has been a long time since I worked out properly, but really, that was ridiculous!!! However, I'm not going to get down on myself. The point of the exercise (no pun intended) was to set the bar... find out where I am starting... so in the name of transparency and accountability, I'm going to post my beginning stats. Karena and Katrina have counseled us to repeat the workout every couple of weeks and to take our measurements every couple of weeks to see how far we have come. So, are you ready to be shocked? 

I had to modify the exercises in the Set the Bar workout in order to be able to complete them at all. That was really disappointing, but hey, I got it done - so I'm giving myself a pat on the back for that! 

Resting Heart Rate: 79bpm
Kneeling push-ups: 22
Abdominal Crunches (knees bent): 28
Standing Lunges: 33
Plank: 40 seconds
Get Ups: 6
Recovery Heart Rate 1: 180 bpm
Recovery Heart Rate 2: 120 bpm

Starting Weight & Measurements
283lbs.......................................enough said.

Neck: 42.5cm
Left Arm: 35.5 cm
Right Arm: 35.5cm
Waist: 131.5cm
Torso: 118.5cm
Hips: 160cm
Left Thigh: 74.5cm (seated)
Right Thigh: 70.5cm (seated)
Left Calf: 48cm
Right Calf: 46.5cm

What do I want to achieve this week?

  • work out every day, except Sunday
  • Choose healthier foods
  • NO fast food. Period. No. 
  • Drink 2-3l water each day
  • Track my food every day
  • Checkin with my #TIUTeam daily
  • Get outside every day
  • Smile and enjoy each day!
I also have these goals for the whole Bikini Series!
What are your goals? Where are you starting from?

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Bikini Series 2015!

So, it's that time of year again. I've been a terrible blogger and I've just not blogged at all since last summer. However, I am BACK!!! This year's Tone It Up Bikini Series is launching tomorrow - 13th April 2015 and I'm taking part again.

Here are my goals for this year's 8 week fitness plan:

This year, I have teamed up with both the lovely Victoria (@VWBoyle on Twitter) and Christelle (@TIU_Christelle on Twitter) and we are going to all work together and keep each other accountable. We are the three #TIUMusketeers !

Karena & Katrina have surpassed themselves this year! All of the Tone It Up Members have received a 8-week plan mapping out all the meals for the Bikini Series, as well as the workouts for each day! I'm really excited to get going with it! I'll be trying to follow the nutrition plan as closely as possible, but I do need to remember that both hubby and I are following the plan and the bank balance will only stretch so far ;)

I need to take my "START" photos for the challenge and also take my beginning measurements. I will then take my measurements each month throughout the challenge. I will also be getting weighed every Thursday, so will keep you posted with progress.

Right - let's get this party started!!!!